NameExport License for hydrochlorofluorocarbons and of products, materials, equipment or vehicles that have been designed to use substances that deplete the ozone layer
DescriptionThe export of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and products, materials, equipment, or vehicles that have been designed to use substances that deplete the ozone layer is dependent on prior registration and obtaining a license from the department government responsible for the environment
CommentsA copy of the registration and license granted to each exporter under the terms set forth in the law.
Validity From2012-07-18
Validity To0002-12-10
ReferenceDecree-Law No. 36/2012 regulating import/export of any substance damaging ozone layer.
Technical Code
Measure TypeLicensing Requirement
AgencyMinistry of Finance
Legal Document- Decree-Law No. 36/2012 on Regulating Import/Export of any Substance Damaging Ozone Layer
Is StandardNo
UN Code(not set)
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2023-05-21 06:34:11
Updated Datetime2023-12-22 02:37:55
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