NameImport of Commercial Vehicles
DescriptionAccording to Article 4 of Decree-Law 30/2011, republished by DL no. 64/2022, anyone wishing to import vehicles must check the rules set out in the aforementioned diploma before the vehicle is imported into Timor-Leste.
CommentsThe inspection of vehicles at the time of their presentation to customs is carried out by a joint team formed by the Timor-Leste Customs Authority, the DNTT, and the DNCE, with each entity having to check the elements that fall within its legal powers
Validity From2023-03-24
Validity To0002-12-16
ReferenceArticle 4 of Decree-Law 30/2011, republished by DL no. 64/2022
Technical Code
Measure TypeGeneral
AgencyNational Director of External Trade
Legal Document- Decree- Law No. 64 /2022 -First amendment to Decree-Law no. 30/2011, of July 27, Conditions and Procedures to be Observed Regarding the Import of Motor Vehicles
Is StandardNo
UN Code(not set)
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2023-11-01 04:23:16
Updated Datetime2023-12-22 03:35:35
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Import of Commercial Motor Vehicles According to Article 4 of Decree-Law 30/2011, republished by DL no. 64/2022, anyone wishing to import vehicles must check the rules set out in the aforementioned diploma before the vehicle is imported into Timor-Leste. Import
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