NameRequest for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Transaction
DescriptionBefore the transportation of Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant into the Territory of Timor-Leste or from the Territory of Timor-Leste to foreign countries is initiated, Licensed Fuel Importers and Exporters shall submit to ANPM a “Request for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant Trading Transaction”
CommentsThe Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant, must be accompanied at all times by the Transaction Authorization and Product Certificate of Quality as well as any other documentation required by the ANPM under separate applicable Regulations, a notably certified copy of the operator’s valid Downstream Activity License
Validity From2016-01-28
Validity To9999-09-09
ReferenceRegulation No. 2/2016, of 28 December 2016 on Trading Activities
Technical Code
Measure TypePerformance Requirement
AgencyAutoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP)
Legal Document- National Petroleum Authority Decree-Law No 20/2008
Is StandardNo
UN Code(not set)
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2023-03-21 19:53:56
Updated Datetime2024-03-22 06:01:21
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Request for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Transaction Before the transportation of Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant into or from the Territory of Timor-Leste to foreign countries is initiated, Licensed Fuel Importers and Exporters shall submit to ANPM a “Request for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Transaction” Import/Export
# Title Description Issued By File
1 Request for Authorization of a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Transaction - ANNEX III of Regulation No. 1/2012, of 24 October 2012 on Trading Activities. - This form can only be filled electronically through - To obtain USERNAME and PASSWORD, kindly email to Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) PDF
# HS Code Description
Super process
# Process name Process short name Activity
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