Approval from National Director of the External Trade (NDET) for Importing Vehicles for Commercial Purposes


Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI)


Av. Dom Boaventura No. 16,

Serviços Fomento, Mandarin, Dili,


Telephone: 333 1206





1. The Business license

2. A copy of personal identification, Identity Card, or Commercial Manager's Passport

3. A copy of the debt clearance certificate issued by the Tax Authority – valid for at least 3 months

4. TIN Number

5. Contact details (all documents in pdf format on a flash disk. If the company is new, need to do physical verification of the showroom)

6. Photos of the showroom


Step 1: Prepare the request along with all required documents.  

Step 2: Submit the request to the National Director of External Trade (NDET)

Step 3: NDET to Register the Trader with Single Window

Step 4: Trader to collect their password from Customs

Step 5: Trader to enter the documents into a Single window

Step 6: The request is then evaluated by the NDET, Export, and import department 

Step 7: DNCE will issue the approval that can be used for multiple imports and will be valid for three months.

If the information provided by the importer shows that he does not have a valid commercial license due to it having been suspended or expired, the DNCE must notify the Timpor-Leste Customs Authority and the importer that he does not meet the conditions to import the product(s). ) vehicle(s) in question.



# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Approval from National Director of the External Trade (NDET) for Importing Vehicles for Commercial Purposes Importers of commercial vehicles, notably for sale, leasing, hiring, or exchange shall obtain written approval from the National Director of the External Trade (NDET) Permit Requirement National Director of External Trade If the information provided by the applicant proves that they have a valid commercial license, DNCE will issue a written approval that can be used for multiple imports and will be valid for three months. If the information provided by the importer shows that he does not have a valid commercial license due to it having been suspended or expired, the DNCE must notify the AA and the importer that he does not meet the conditions to import the product(s). ) vehicle(s) in question Decree- Law No. 64 /2022 -First amendment to Decree-Law no. 30/2011, of July 27, Conditions and Procedures to be Observed Regarding the Import of Motor Vehicles 0002-12-14 Good
Super process
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