National Petroleum Authority (ANP)

Address: Ministry of Finance Building, Levels 6 and 7,
Aitarak Laran
Dili, Timor-Leste

PO Box: 113

Telephone: + 670 730 99995/ +670 730 99996




1. Companies’ Registry certificate (or document evidencing provisional registration)

2. Certificate confirming non-existence of tax and social security debts

3. Copy of the company’s by-laws and proof of deposit of the share capital

4. Proof of insurance covering the activity or activities the company wishes to carry out

5. Registration with the National Directorate for Commerce of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (MTCI)

6. Documents evidencing the company’s organizational, technical, and financial capability to carry out the activities for which it is seeking licensing

7. Taxpayer Registration

8. CV of the technical staff responsible for the management of its operations, evidencing that they have the necessary training, experience and know-how to carry out the same

9. Copy of the companies’ by-laws evidencing a 5% participating interest of a Timorese State Owned Company, Timorese citizens

10. Detailed business plan

11. Proof of deposit or full subscription and paying up of the amount of share capital equivalent to the minimum required for the type of activity

12. Copy of tax returns for the past 2 years (and, if applicable)

13. Documents evidencing the existence of the necessary equipment to carry out the activities or acquisition plan

14. Power of Attorney if the applicant is a legal person or represented by a third party


1. Annual Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant Trading Activities Plan for the first year of operation, prepared in accordance with Article 8.1 of this Regulation No. 2/2016, of 28 December 2016 on Trading Activities


Step 1: Prepare Applications along with all required documents.  

Step 2: Submit the application to the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) through trading electronic platform under

Step 3: ANP reviews and verifies the application. 

Step 4:  ANP will request additional information if required 

Step 5: Trader submits the additional information requested by ANP

Step 6: If the application is approved, a Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Activity License will be issued to the Trader and the information will be transferred to ASYCUDA system through Timor-Leste Single Window (TileSW).

If not the application is rejected with the reasons for the rejection

The ANP shall issue a decision on an application within ninety (90) days of the date on which it receives the last of the documents or information required, informing the Applicant in writing of the decision, and of the steps, procedures, and timing for its implementation.

Step 7: Trader collects the Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant Trading Activity License


1. Applications will not be considered if:

(a) The scheduled commencement of operation is expected to take more than six (6) months;

(b) The Applicant, any of its board members, or staff has been sanctioned for a very serious Administrative Offense to any Downstream legislation or regulation of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in the five (5) Years preceding the application.


# Title Description Issued By File
1 Downstream Activities License Application Form - No one may engage in any Downstream Activity unless authorized to do so under a License. - This form can only be filled electronically through - To obtain USERNAME and PASSWORD, kindly email to Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) PDF
2 Additional Information and Documents for Registration and Licensing of Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Activities - ANNEX I of Regulation No. 1/2012, of 24 October 2012 on Trading Activities. - This form can only be filled electronically through - To obtain USERNAME and PASSWORD, kindly email to Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) PDF
3 Annual Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant Trading Activities Plan - ANNEX II of Regulation No. 1/2012, of 24 October 2012 on Trading Activities. - This form can only be filled electronically through - To obtain USERNAME and PASSWORD, kindly email to Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) PDF
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Trading License for Import and export Fuel, Biofuel and Lubricant All entities wishing to perform Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant Trading Activities are required to register with the ANPM and obtain the corresponding License. Entities already registered and licensed by the ANPM for the performance of other Downstream Activities shall apply for and obtain a specific, independent, registration and License if they intend to carry out Fuel, Biofuel, and Lubricant Trading Activities, unless the Trading Activities are merely deemed as ancillary or supporting activities of another Downstream Activity, in which case Article 8.2 of Decree-Law No. 1/2012, of 1 February 2012 on Downstream Sector, applies. Licensing Requirement Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) This Regulation does not cover the Trading Activities of Crude Oil and Natural Gas for Processing or further treatment, as well as of feedstocks for Biofuels or for any other alternative forms of fuels, which shall be subject to specific regulation. Regulation No. 2/2016 on Trading Activities 9999-09-09 Good
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