Ministerial Diploma No. 01/2009 Of 18 September 2009 Certification Procedures For The Origin Of Café De Timor-Leste


The purpose of this legal diploma is to certify the origin of Timor-Leste's coffee, as an exclusively national product, for all foreign trade purposes and in accordance with the rules of the International Coffee Organization (ICO), of which Timor-Leste is member.



Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Certificate of Origin for export of coffee Certificate Requirement Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) Coffee can only be exported if accompanied by the forms of certificates of origin duly endorsed and stamped by the National Directorate of External Trade (DNCE) Ministerial Diploma No. 01/2009 Of 18 September 2009 Certification Procedures For The Origin Of Café De Timor-Leste 0002-12-12 ALL
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