Decree-Law No. 26/2016 of 29th June 2016 on Establishment of the Authority for Inspection and Control Of Economic, Sanitary, And Food Activity, I.P

 This diploma covers the topic of the establishment of the Authority for Inspection and Control of Economic, Sanitary, And Food Activity, I.P., and its roles and duties.

AIFAESA's mission is to ensure the carrying out of activities to control the quality of foodstuffs, their transport conditions, and the health conditions of the places where these products are produced and sold, as well as establishments and places of public use, being responsible for eliminating, reducing or preventing risks to public health, as well as for discipline in the exercise of economic activities in the food and non-food sectors and control in terms of metrology and standardization, through inspection activities and monitoring of compliance with legislation on the matter.

Please note that this Decree-Law is only available in the Portuguese language. To download the PDF please click on the link below


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