How a new trade information portal is empowering Timor-Leste’s entrepreneurs
In Asia's youngest country, the Timor-Leste Trade Information Portal is poised to reshape cross-border trade. This innovative web-based system offers faster, more affordable, transparent, and predictable access to vital information traders and entrepreneurs need to navigate new markets.
At the forefront of this transformative journey is Mirabilia Faria Sarmento, CEO of TimoRock Eco-solutions. While studying engineering in Europe, Mirabilia dreamed of returning home to introduce a new technology for road construction. Her company imports an eco-friendly liquid material that is mixed with natural soil to change its mechanical structure. “We have used this new technology to build over 20 kilometers of roads in rural areas, a lifeline to remote communities. We hope to build more sustainable roads and boost the economy,” said Mirabilia.
With the launch of the Trade Information Portal supported by the World Bank-managed Trade Facilitation Support Program, Mirabilia's dreams are now within reach. The portal hosts the details of over 165 laws, regulations, and procedures from 22 government agencies, providing businesses with a single source of cross-border trade information. From licenses and permits to applicable fees, everything traders need is now accessible online, streamlining import- export processes and reducing costs.
“The portal has clear benefits, especially for women entrepreneurs. Accessing all trade information in just one click makes our lives easier. We do not need to visit all the government agencies and can use our time more effectively,” said Mirabilia, an active member of the Timor-Leste Women’s Business Association.
Small enterprises like Mirabilia’s stand to gain significantly from the portal. With easy access to trade regulations and procedures, Mirabilia can confidently import the materials she requires to build her business in Timor-Leste, but also navigate new markets, and identify new export opportunities. What was once a challenging task has now become a streamlined and transparent process, empowering Mirabilia to transform her small-scale operation into a regional enterprise.
“We are creating a footprint here in Timor-Leste with this new technology and building expertise in the workforce through our partnership with the local university. My goal is to take this technology to neighboring countries in the Pacific and Asia. Navigating the rules and regulations for international trade on the portal will make this much easier,” said Mirabilia.
The portal aligns with Timor-Leste's efforts to integrate into regional and global markets following its accession to the World Trade Organization. By complying with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and meeting requirements of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations--a political and economic union of 10 countries in the region--the portal reinforces the Timor-Leste's commitment to transparency and trade facilitation.
The Timor-Leste Ministry of Commerce and Industry led the portal initiative and is working to simplify trade procedures and align legislation with the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and international best practice.
The Trade Information Portal is also a testament to the country's commitment to strengthening the trade environment and empowering the private sector. By listening to the needs of business and providing a platform for feedback, the portal ensures that regulations and procedures remain updated and simplified, making it easier to buy and sell across borders.
With the right information at their fingertips, Mirabilia and her fellow entrepreneurs are poised to unlock new opportunities and help reshape international trade in Timor-Leste.
Source: World Bank Blog
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